Wednesday 8 February 2012

About to leave

                                                                     9 Feb

Well it's finally happening. What started as a seemingly outrageous back in June, is finally becoming a reality..  I'm sitting Ohare international airport, and all I have been thinking of is how blessed my life has been up to this point. The father of lights who is the giver of all good gifts has blessed me with an unbelievable family. My love for them is inexpressible and is resulting in a large amount of the sadness I am feeling now. And God did not stop there, but branched his blessing to great friends as well. The only thing that allows me to be able to leave all of this great blessing behind for a time can be summed up similarly to how Paul felt in Acts 20:24. " For I consider my life of no value to me, only that I may complete the task the Lord Jesus has set before me. The task of testifying of the gospel of God's grace."

Much love

Acts 20:24

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