The last few days were relatively uneventful. The weather wasn’t so nice this weekend so we
weren’t able to going camping in the mountains, but hopefully we can this
coming weekend. I did try teaching the
Australians and Koreans here how to play a game of knockout… but that was quite
unsuccessful, in-spite of one person having seen it played in a movie once….
I would say one of my top embarrassing moments occurred this
weekend though. It was Friday after
dinner, and a bunch of us were shooting around at the hoop outside of the
dining hall. I had foolishly chosen to wear cargo shorts…I deked my man and
went for a layup, a little bit overzealous on my approach. I left the ground
and all I heard was a rip. Yea, it was
my shorts….right up the crotch…which was followed by a very long walk back to
my flat.
I drove home from church today!! It was ridiculous. I hopped behind the wheel, super eager to go,
flipped the switch to signal that I’m pulling out…and the windshield wipers
turn on. Yea that’s on the other side
too. I got to my first turn and apparently forgot about staying on the left and
had to veer across the oncoming lanes, to the chorus of screams coming from the
back of the vehicle. It was pretty
smooth sailing from that point, but definitely is different enough to mess with
Here's a couple pictures of part of the gang having dinner
tonight. Dennis (the guy with the long
hair) and I cooked it up. It was curry
rice with eggs and parsley. The reason
it is all in one bowl is that it was the night for the guys to do the dishes….(this is also evidence that I have made friends, to all those who think i make this stuff up....*ehhm..cassie...ehhm*)
Oh, we also talked about the presence of miraculous signs
and gifts among believers till like 2 AM this morning. It sure was awesome to
hear all these different cultural viewpoints on the topic. How does the Spirit of God move among His
people? It’s hard for me to take a more conservative view on this just because
it doesn’t seem that if such an amazing God exists, that he wouldn’t miraculously
move among his followers. God is
supernatural, why should I be so hesitant to believe in supernatural happenings
amidst his church? Wouldn’t he express his presence in supernatural ways?
Anyway, really just something to think about.
Photoshop works wonders... =)
Deleteyou prolly photoshopped those pictures to make it look like you have friends... hahaha