Saturday, 11 February 2012

First Full Day in Tassie

11 Feb

Wow, first full day in Tasmania was legit. It was about 65 degrees this morning when I left the room to check out the campus a bit.  First thing we checked out was the administrative building and resource center.  The library was big. A lot bigger than I had suspected it to be. Plus I don’t need to buy any textbooks, because all of the textbooks are supplied in the library. Such a blessing.  After that we headed on over to the dining hall which was relatively small, but had a homely feel to it. It was one large room with several tables lined in rows, with a counter separating it from a large kitchen.  It was nice to see the place that will eventually add a good twenty pounds to my gut.   From there we headed down to the farm.  As we rounded the corner, the scene was immediately breathtaking.  The school rests peacefully up on a hill, with the farm extending down into the valley before climaxing with a serene river. Such scenery expires nothing but praise to such an awesome Creator.   I haven’t seen such a beautiful place before in my life.
                Anyway, later on in the day, I decided I wanted to go for a run to keep my self awake.   So I strapped on my Vibram 5 fingers and headed out the door down to the pastures on the farm.  I trekked my way down, and jogged all around the paddocks of cattle making sure to stay on the truck paths. (avoiding the tall grass for all the poisonous snakes, of course.  I learned that all of the snakes here are poisonous, wonderful...)  Then the perfect tree caught my gaze and i just had to climb it to sit for awhile . There was one minor problem though; it was behind the fence that kept the cattle from deciding to become vagabonds.  So I thought to myself, “I’m going to be smart about this”, grabbed some metal and smashed the fence against it looking for sparks. Nothing.  So all is good, right? Wrong. I grabbed the fence…..  All was not good.  Not good at all.  Let’s just say this is something that inevitably happens when you throw a city-slicker out on a farm...

Till later,


  1. Hi Dan,
    I got a chuckle out of you touching the fence. Us farm folk love it when city slickers come and touch the fence. We all need so good clean entertainment once in a while :-)

  2. HAHAHAHa I cannot believe you grabbed an electric fence!!!!

  3. "HAHAHAHa" ud probably do the same thing ya dork :)
