Tuesday, 13 March 2012


“and the peace that passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
I was thinking about peace the other day. I have truly not experienced peace as such I am experiencing now. 
Peace is a funny thing actually, so abstract and seemingly fleeting and unattainable, yet when experienced even in the most temporary sense, is an overwhelming force that can either calm any chaos life throws at you,  strengthen you with courage, and spur you on, or crush  you in the emptiness of its absence. Like many of us I have experience both of these extremes, but this is the first time where peace has been put to the real test in my life.   While I am not going to sit here and pretend that moving fifteen thousand six hundred and fifty-six miles away from my family, friends, and everything else that I had known about life to start a virtually new life has not had me slightly stressed at moments, it has not been overwhelming in even the slightest sense of the word. You see, the Lord told me to come here; quite clearly, he laid this before my heart and tugged my stubborn soul along to it. And because of this simple fact, I have been able to rest in peace that only can have one source.  I see that being the case for lots of people here.  It is a cool place, actually, almost of the people here just have a great story of how they got here and how the Lord has been there every step of the way.
                I am starting to think that this may be one of the first lessons that God is showing me, the power of simply resting in his peace. The peace that passes all understanding:  a peace that tells you that things are most certainly out of your control, yet entirely in His, a peace that does not blind you to the circumstances, but points your eyes to the one who holds the world in His hands, a peace that is not conjured up by music, or warm-fuzzies, but one that anchors the soul steady on the Rock of Ages.  

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